
How to buy Klaytn(KLAY) from Binance

Pala, the largest NFT marketplace in South Korea, introduce various Klaytn NFT projects through our market and launchpad service. → Take a look
About Klaytn Klaytn is a public blockchain focused on the metaverse, gamefi, and the creator economy.
Supported Wallet
Klaytn-listing Global & Korea CEX
Before you start to trade Klaytn in Binance, please prepare below items.
Binance verifited account
Payment: Crypto assets, Credit/Debit Card, or Bank Deposits
Personal Klaytn supported wallet: MetaMask, Kaikas, Klip, D’Cent, cold wallets, and etc.
[Add Network Information]
Network Name: Klaytn Mainnet
Chain ID: 8217
Currency Symbol: KLAY
Block Explorer URL:
How to verify your account in Binance
Choose how to buy Klaytn(KLAY) on Binance
How to withdraw KLAY from binance spot wallet to your personal wallet

Let’s explore Pala, Korea’s No.1 NFT Marketplace

Pala Launchpad DO NOT require any approval or transaction signature. Please be aware of the above “process” to prevent any mishaps or scamming.